If your website has been infected by any virus, malware or has been hacked, don’t worry about it, you just came to the right place, we can scan your website, clean it up and secure it, to make sure that it will not happen again.

Any website can become the target of a hack. The hackers are usually hacking a website to sent SPAM messages from the hacked domain or to use the hacked website or ‘Phishing method’, and sometimes the competition does too, so the chances to have your website hacked are high.

Possible reasons why your website has been infected or hacked:

  • The lack of Security of your Personal Computer. All computers need a antivirus, even Apple/MacBook devices need one, because for skilled hackers it is easy to hack an unprotected computer or mobile device.  How this can happen?
    When a personal computer is hacked, the hacker is accessing your computer directly or through the browser and is stealing saved information for websites and logins that you are using. That is why, is never recommended to let the browsers save your passwords and this is offered, always say ‘No thank you’, or from Browser’s settings, stop the browser to offer saving your passwords from the available options.

One of the TOP Notch Antivirus is BitDefender’, it’s not expensive (around £30/year or less), it can be installed on multiple devices and it comes with free VPN as well.

  • Responding to Phishing Email. Never respond to Phishing or Suspicious emails that are one of the Internet’s constant reminders of why cyber laws need to be enforced. These messages are designed with the purpose of duping you out of your user credentials for various websites. Never download attachments from suspicious emails, always check the domain name and its extension if is genuine. The hackers will always create an fake website and an email that looks like legitimate, asking you for passwords or providing links to “log in” to your account. In most cases, these links lead to hacked websites that are hosting a false page in order to obtain the information from you.
  • Your website is running on a old PHP version.
  • Third-Party Access. If your website is WordPress based and it’s using a free WordPress Theme that is not receiving updates (security patches) and becomes vulnerable.
  • Outdated Scripts. Scripts are often used to develop a website to control everything from graphics to databases. They are also a common element for hackers to gain control of the website itself. When a script is detected as having an exploit, developers will create updates in order to prevent cyber attacks. Even installation scripts for web-based applications, plugins and add-ons can “open the doors” to the hackers.
  • If incorrect “permissions”(Read/Write/Execute) are set on the website’s directories (folders & files) especially in the ‘public_html’ directory, then unauthorized access could be enabled to hackers or other users that are not legit registered or signed up within the website. Also, majority of websites utilize widgets plugins and other integrated components and sadly, all these can compromise the security of your website.
  • Your website is using a current PHP version and a paid/secured WP Theme, but still got infected or hacked? Then your website and/or the server where it’s been hosted doesn’t have any protection, like a firewall, a security shield software, a security plugin, etc.

The Lack of Proper Website Security can be devastating:
In the USA, the cost of the Annual Cyber attacks (on large and medium companies or organizations) was 9.4 million in 2023 and around 5 million in 2023. A lot of companies had to close down simply because they couldn’t survive the financial costs of data breach and data lose, or simply recovering from the cyber attacks. Every company including the very small ones, can prevent the cyber-attacks if they have proper website security in place, which is a Security Software (a Firewall & Automatic Malware Scanner Detect/Clean-up), and we can help you with that, it’s not expensive at all, it only costs:

– From £7.95 to £11.95/month (depends on Number of Domains) for a Servers with any type of Control Panel (cPanel-WHM, DirectAdmin, Plesk, etc)

– £10.95/month for websites.

Whatever website or web-server problem you might have just write to us using the form below, we will do our best to help you, quickly, safely and very affordable:


    E-mail Us




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